PowerShell SnippetRace 01-2021

SecretManagement, PS 7.2 , WiFi, Prompt



Secret Management Module finally in RC Status

Automation and accessing remote machines requires credentials (Secrets) and it has always been challenging to store them securely somewhere. Finally there is a solution from the PowerShell Team, the Secrets Management and the Secrets Store Modules and its in RC-status. Read Sydney Smiths Blog and give this new technology a try !

PowerShell 7.2 Preview Features

The ongoing journey of PowerShell Core goes into the next round with PS 7.2. There are a lot of Bugfixes (done by the community) and some new features, noteably the possibility to colorize the prompt. This is useful for outputs you want the reader to focus on. Read Steve Lees Blog for the news.

Manage Wifi Connections

In times where we have travelled a lot, we used WiFi from train stations, airports, hotels and customers and other spots. Read Wolfgang Sommerguts blog about managing Wifi-profiles and connections via Powershell.

Next-Level PowerShell Prompt

C:\PS> is definetely not enough! A PowerShell prompt should give you as much information as possible about the current location, GitHub status, possible errors and so on. Read Scott Hanselmanns blog on current possibilities to optimize your prompt.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to the PowerShell community !


Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash