PowerShell SnippetRace 37-38/2023

Pwned, rsop, PSResourceGet, Hyper-V


  • PSConf.eu miniconf in London October 4th, details can be found here.


Find compromised AD passwords with HaveiBeenPwned

Usernames and Passwords are still the main identification technique for businesses, so knowing if one of your useres may habe been Password-Owned should be of interest. Read Wolfgang Sommerguts blogpost on doing this automatically with PowerShell.

Find enabled local group policy settigs

Here is anotherone of Wolfgang Sommergut. With domain and local group policies in place, it can be pretty hard to figure out if a local setting is coming from a local or domain policy. Read his blogpost on how to figure this out quickly.

PSResourceGet is coming to a release candidate

Maybe one of the longest-running projects of the PowerShell engineering teams seems to come to an end. PSResourceGet is the successor of PowerShellGet and in developement for 3 years now. With the newest release, the module seems to come to a final release with a lot of changes and modifications in its concept from the original PowerShellGet. Read Sydneys blog on the status and news on this central component of the PowerShell ecosystem.

Get your Hyper-V VM´s with one line of code

Patricks newest one-liner is about retrieving information on VM´s running on a Hyper-V machine. As so often Patrick focusses on real-world challenges people have beyond cloud and fancy AI-stuff. Read his post on documenting your VM´s with PowerShell here.

Have fun with testing and trying!


Thanks to rc.xyz NFT gallery on Unsplash for the picture