Blogposts and Newsletters in times of AI´s

This week i am not going to do a regular PowerShell newsletter, it will be more some personal thoughts on the recent developments with AI´s.

As long as i read blogposts, i enjoyed the knowledge, which people share regarding a particular problem they want to solve. Solving a technical problem personally is one part of the effot, prepering the solution in a format so that others can benefit from is is a much wider step.

Who ever has created a blogpost or video knows that preparation, production and post-editing takes some time, and all of this just for the community and others.

Now that we have ChatGPT, Copilot and other AI´s available instantly on our devices and the results are mindblowing, i more and more find myself solving issues with AI, rather than searching a search engine and look for specific answers on well known blow posts and forums.

Sure, LLMs take the information they have been fed with, but the longer i use it, the more i get the feeling that the output i get is mainly based on the documentation of the product itself. So far i have really gotten great results, nevertheless it was a question around PowerShell, M365, Azure, or even Home Assistant of an iPhone, the answers helped me to get through a specific issue very fast without reading the documentation.

This could lead to the conclusion, that Blogposts and Newsletters are useless in the future, because their particulat value – solving a problem somemebody else had already – is lost and replaced by AI.

What i am really curious about is the near and mid-term future, where we will see if one of the following developments will dominate:

  • Blogposts will disappear because nobody reads them anymore
  • People write mainly about AI and how to efficiently use or cheat it
  • Blogposts will need to move to a more sophisticated style by combining knowedge-domains
  • Something i currently do not have in mind … 😉

Until then, we at the PowerShell UserGroup Austria will continue with our regular newsletter and select blogposts and information, which we think are valuable to the community.

Best regards / Roman

PS: This post has not been written by an AI 😉

Foto von Kenny Eliason auf Unsplash

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