PowerShell SnippetRace 09-2020

GitHub Cli, Dynamic Help, Progress bar, PS-Team Investments


  • Expertslive Cafe Q1/2020 – Topic „Azure“ will happen March 11, 2021.
    Topics are AzureV-WAN, Azure Monitoring and Azure Lab Services.
    Join here.

Trainings (in chronoligical order)


GitHub Cli – so powerful

Its one of those tools i have on my harddisk i rarely use. The Github CommandLine interface. Scott Hanselmann had the same situation and wrote an article about it. Nice read, easy to follow, really worth it.

Dynamic Help

The help-system in Powershell was planned with many good ideas, in reality it showed up that the OS security barriers and the help system blocked each other (i.e Update help without admin right …). So the PS team works on a new help system in psreadline. See screenshot below and try this out !

New-Progress bar in PS 7.2-beta3

Sebastian Schillmann tested the new progress bar in PS 7.2. A nice little enhancement to PS. See screenshot below and read more here.

PowerShell Team Investments in 2021

Steve Lee from the PowerShell team wrote an article on the workstreams of Powershell. It includes the core engine, DSC, remoting, secretmanagement, crescendo, psreadline and PowerShellGet 3.0. Give this a read if you want to know about the future of PowerShell.

Cheers / R.

Photo by Lindsay Henwood on Unsplash