PowerShell SnippetRace 32-2020

nonsense, exe, computernames, quotes, VS-Code Extensions


  • PowerShell EinsteigerWorkshop (free) 22.Oct. 2020


Nonsense Strings

Maybe you have heard of the ironscripter challenges. Jefff Hicks posted his somution to one of those. a Nice brainf..ck and good to recap and learn. Link

.ps1 to .exe files

Our dearest austrian PS-MVP #3 wrote an article on ps1 to exe files. Well done! Link

Validating Computernames

PowerShell is often used for administrative tasks in computer networks, and computernames need to be created, queried and used in many other ways. Read this article to learn how to validate them properly. Link

Optimize your quoting experience

You probably use PSREADLINE more than you think and sometimes it behaves a little uncomfortable. Sergey Vasin tuned PSReadline for a much better experience. Link

Top VS-Code Extensions for PowerShell users

VS-Code offers a lot of extensions, read about the the most usefule ones here. Link

Have a great, hot summer-week!


Photo by Aleksandr Eremin on Unsplash