PowerShell SnippetRace 42/43-2022

Clear-Host, PSTimers, QRCode, Graph, E-Mail


  • PowerShell Workshop (MS-Graph, PowerShellGet, news around PS), 9. November 2022 in Linz


Clear-Host Fancily !

Somtimes we need more fun at the console. Clear-Host is good but boring, so mdgrs-mei, wrote a much cooler version. Try https://github.com/mdgrs-mei/FancyClearHost its fun and has 2 parameters (type and speed). See the video for my testing results with flipping and speed 10.

practical setting for Clear-HostFancily

PSTimers 1.0.0

Jeffrey Hicks just released a new version of PSTimers, including a countdown timer „Start-PSCountdownTimer“, which shows a GUI Version of a timer of your choice. You can find it on the PSGallery. GitHub Repo is here https://github.com/jdhitsolutions/pstimers.

Little test of PSTimer

QR Code Generator for Wifi

Patrick Grünauer posted the guide on how to create a QRCode for a Wifi network. Read his blogpost and do it yourself.

Graph and E-Mails – a long and good story from Poland

Sending E-Mails via the Microsoft Graph-API has a lot of blog-posts, this is a new one from evotec and its (as always) long, good and detailed. Read and learn here.

Hope there was something useful for you these weeks.


Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash