PowerShell SnippetRace 45-2020

Tic-Tac-Toe, SecretManagement, Unix completers, PSReadline, PS7.1-RC2



Tic-Tac-Toe in PowerShell

I found this reddit post and tries it out myself (see header picture). Thats fun ! Maybe a challenge for somebody to make this remote-aware 😉

News from the Product Team

Read updates for the most-awaited SecretManagement and SecretStore Modules, as well as from the PSReadline Module. Furthermore, PowerShell 7.1 is in state RC2, maybe also worth a read.

PS 7 Unix Completers

Runnin Linux Commands in PowerShell 7 was painful, now the new module Microsoft.PowerShell.Unix.Completers is fixing this.

Bypass error when updating PSReadline Help

If you want to avoid an errormessage doing this, here is the workaround.

So, this was a pretty PS-core fokussed blog, hope you liked it.

Cheers / Roman